Some people would say that software is the number one priority and comes before anything else. We agree with that, but if the perfect software for your needs is somewhere around you still don’t understand how to deal with it. There is a service intended to fill the gap and let you comprehend all basic and advanced features, possibilities and details of a software program.
Software documentation helps you discover all software functions, attributes and its purpose. By documenting software products we can help you explain to users and developers how this software operates or is being used.
The documentation of software products is a long process that consists of collecting all written documents and materials dealing with a software product’s development and use. By doing this, you can make sure that you will possess a complete documentary of the software development that could be helpful in future endeavors and relations.
Drop Monster team can provide the following types of software documentation tools for every stage of project life cycle:
  • End-User Documentation
  • Requirements Documentation
  • Software Architecture Documentation
  • API Documentation
  • Database Documentation
  • Testing Documentation
  • Marketing Documentation
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Focus on
  • Complexity of the information
  • Simple/Advanced reports
  • Everything in one place
  • Collaborative editing
 Technologies used:
  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • Huddle